Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Webcast of Hearing Available

An archived webcast (uncaptioned) of last Thursday's hearing on ADA Restoration in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties is available on the Judiciary Committee's website.


Anonymous said...

Any idea if/when this hearing will be made accessible to deaf people? Either via captions or a transcript? (The advantage of a transcript is that it would also be accessible to deaf-blind people and to people who have low-speed connections who cannot download videos.)


AAPD said...

That's a good question. I called the Subcommittee staff just this afternoon, and they told me it's not uncommon for the transcript to take a month to become available (because it goes through the Subcommittee to ensure accuracy first). I asked her if she'd look into making the CART transcript available sooner, and she has said she will look into it but didn't think it was likely.

If we get a hold of a transcript, we'll definitely make it public as soon as we can.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking into it!

It's very disappointing that they don't seem to be well tuned in to the fact that failing to provide some kind of transcript in a more PROMPT manner automatically poses a barrier to deaf citizens who wish to participate more fully in the political process. This is in and of itself a violation of our rights. Incredibly ironic given that the point of the ADA Restoration campaign is, erm, to protect the original spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which I had thought was also meant partly to protect our rights to participate fully in the political process!!

Surely there must be some intermediate solution, for example make the CART transcript available but with lots of disclaimers stamped all over it in red (figuratively speaking, I mean--just, something obvious) to strongly caution that it is only a draft and that subsequent corrections are likely to be made in later versions, don't quote for the media, and please check back by approximately X date for the finalized version, blah blah. Whatever they feel like they have to say, just as long as they're doing something to give deaf US citizens more of a chance to see the testimony for ourselves without having to wait until long after everyone else has not only seen it but also forgotten about it.

AAPD said...

Dear Anonymous,

Your points are all very well made and would be great in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee!

The House Judiciary website is

Majority phone: (202) 225-3951
Majority fax: (202) 225-7680

Minority phone: (202) 225-6906
Minority fax: (202) 225-7082

Please consider contacting the office or writing a letter and making your voice heard!

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