Tuesday, August 12, 2008

SIGN ON! Joint Letter to the Senate in Support of ADA Amendments Act (S.3406)

What follows below is a letter for the Senate supporting the new Senate version of the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (S. 3406) and its passage this year. This letter is being distributed for sign-on to ALL the employer, disability, civil rights, faith-related, health, veterans, and other organizations that supported the ADAAA.

To sign on your organization's support of this joint letter, enter your name on the ADABill.org website.

Sign on as soon as possible but absolutely no later than close of business on Friday, August 15.


The following letter will be distributed to Senators on behalf of the hundreds of organizations committed to securing the promise of the ADA.

Dear Senator,

The undersigned groups, representing a broad range of interests, write in support of the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (S.3406). This bill introduced on July 31, 2008, had 64 cosponsors as of August 1, with 55 of those joining as original cosponsors.

S.3406 would revise the ADA in a manner designed to work for both people with disabilities and for entities governed under the law. The bill is a result of sustained efforts between Senators from both sides of the aisle and intensive and thoughtful talks between representatives of the disability community and entities governed by the law. For that reason, we believe that S.3406 strikes a delicate balance between the needs of individuals with disabilities and the realities experienced by entities including employers and public accommodations, which are covered under the law.

We urge your support in making enactment of S.3406, the ADA Amendments Act, a reality as soon as Congress returns in September. We stand ready to work with you towards that end.


[your organization added here]